Welcome to Our Clinic

Dr Pierce value his patients and follows a patient centred health approach. He states that it is imperative to treat a patient holistically which means that all pillars of health must be taken into consideration and not only the symptoms. "Educating patients is a priority for optimal health and longevity" in his own words.



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Years experience


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We analyse your needs carefully

Every work we do is done at the highest possible level and we assure you that we will examen you and analyze any laboratory results before any treatment is given to you. All this to ensure that you get the best treatment and service from us that you deserve  

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Dr Pierce Values Quality Time With Family  

Dr Pierce has traveled extensively believing that an appreciation of diversity sculpts a person and teaches one tolerance, acceptance, and self-worth. He beliefs in family values and when not at work you may find him and his partner, with their two sons, on a nature expedition at their ultimate escape and place of relaxation - the Klein Karoo. 

Patients Are Of High Priority

  • Meaning and purpose
  • Love and relationships
  • Air, water, and light
  • Deep relaxation, including sleep
  • Physical activity 
  • Real Food
  • Nutrients and hormones